House Measuring & Floor Plan Services
Everything is bigger in Texas… but how big?
As our marketplace changes, there has never been a greater need for knowing the true size of your home. Whether you’re looking to sell your home, or protest your property taxes, having an accurate report of your property’s true size can be an invaluable tool, as all too often the gross living area reported on public records differs from what actually exists. In either case, having accurate home measurements can save you money. Our house measurement service is an affordable solution for this.
Our appraisers have measured over 15,000 homes to date, with experience ranging from small cabin homes to luxurious mansions in excess of 30,000 square feet in size! Each one of our appraisers has received specialized training on and adheres to the American National Standard for Single-Family Residential Buildings (ANSI® Z765) as a uniform standard to measure and calculate the square footage, or Gross Living Area (GLA), of all detached and attached single-family houses. Each measurement report comes with a clear description of all above-grade and below-grade living areas, so you will clearly and easily see how much bigger it is in Texas!
HAR Rules and Regulations “MLS Rules” – Listing Procedures, Section 1.2”
“1.2 Listing Details: Listing information and Data Input Forms provided to the MLS by the Participant, shall be complete in every detail required for input into the MLS. Participant shall use reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of submitted listing information. Participant shall be responsible for submitting accurate listing information and correcting and updating all listing information in accordance with MLS Rules.”
As Realtors®, the MLS as well as your Broker requires you report an accurate and complete summary of your listing when you enter them into the MLS. Perhaps your listing may include a large or complex dwelling that you’re simply not comfortable measuring yourself. As an agent, you don’t want to be held liable for the square footage as listed in the MLS. A certified appraiser can provide evidence you’ve done your due diligence and give peace of mind to prospective buyers/agents who view your listing. If you’re assisting a Buyer, perhaps there’s a reason that house you just showed them “feels small”. Don’t get caught by surprise! We can help verify this for you and resolve any potential negotiation pitfalls that may occur.
How is the gross living area measured and calculated for mortgage lending appraisals?
In mortgage lending, most loans made end up following certain investor guidelines. Fannie Mae (FNMA) is the largest source of mortgage financing in the county, and most lenders follow their lead when it comes to appraisal standards.
Floor Plans: Function and Fashion?
Perhaps your needs are more comprehensive than a simple verification of house size? In addition to measurement services, our appraisers can also utilize state-of-the-art LiDAR scanning technology to recreate a complete floor plan of your home.
For Realtors®
Our floor plan recreation service can be a powerful tool for marketing your home! A floor plan can provide not only an approximation of overall house size, but the locations of interior walls, doors, appliances and fixed furniture/fixtures. These reports also provide room dimensions to give potential buyers an idea of the functional space each room in your property provides. Can they fit their king-side bed? This service can be very useful when prospective buyers view your listings.
For Homeowners
Looking to make a change? We can assist with the preparations. Our floor plan service can provide you with a visual recreation of your home with dimensions to help with your new design and estimate costs of materials.